Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island

3600 trees planted with help from Baba Mazari Foundation volunteers across Land for Wildlife properties in Kangaroo Island on 14th and 15th of August 2021.

After the devastating bush fire in 2019/2020, BMF managed a fundraising campaign among the Hazara community in Australia for the bush fire appeal and donated a sum of around $87,000 AUD to the state government. In continuation of that campaign, BMF in collaboration with the Land for Wildlife and KI Council sent a group of 14 volunteers on a two-day journey to plant trees in two sites in Kangaroo Island. The group was planning to plant nearly 4000 trees in two days and help restore the natural life of the Island.

Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island

The volunteers were Australian-Hazara residents of South Australia aiming to contribute to rebuilding the wildlife in their state of residency.

For BMF, planting trees native to this Island is of paramount importance and value. For our volunteers, tree plantation in fire affected areas of Kangaroo Island is not only an exercise in re-vegetation, but rejuvenating the nature and providing essential food source to the wildlife such as the glassy cockatoos.

KI LfW’s Vanessa Messmer said, “This revegetation project will improve habitat for threatened species like the KI dunnart and the Bassian thrush as well as extend refuge corridors.” She also said “It was an absolute honour to work with BMF over the weekend, their enthusiasm and positivity was an inspiration. We are very thankful for all their help and hard work.”

BMF Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island
BMF Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island
BMF Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island
BMF Tree Planting on Kangaroo Island

The Islander also published an article on their website informing the locals of this event. You can read the article on their website at Baba Mazari Foundation plants 3600 trees on Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife properties.

For BMF, planting trees native to this Island is of paramount importance and value. For our volunteers, tree plantation in fire affected areas of Kangaroo Island is not only an exercise in re-vegetation, but rejuvenating the nature and providing essential food source to the wildlife such as the glassy cockatoos.

KI LfW’s Vanessa Messmer said, “This revegetation project will improve habitat for threatened species like the KI dunnart and the Bassian thrush as well as extend refuge corridors.” She also said “It was an absolute honour to work with BMF over the weekend, their enthusiasm and positivity was an inspiration. We are very thankful for all their help and hard work.”

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