
As per BMF Constitution, another purpose of BMF is to provide ongoing and non-ongoing financial support for the victims of terrorist attacks. BMF executive team in Australia will work closely with our executive team in Kabul and will then determine the amount and the duration of financial support for the victims of terrorist attacks. Finical support includes covering the cost of medical expenses in Afghanistan and sometimes it is used to send people abroad including to India and Iran depending on our budget.

Other financial assistance such as cost of living for widows and orphans who lose their sole breadwinners will also be considered. At BMF we believe that helping the victim’s family in the long term is as important as helping the victim in the short term.

Victims of terrorists’ attacks can include anyone who was directly or indirectly harmed due to bomb explosions, Taliban attacks on districts and any other targeted attacks including on travellers on the roads. 

Supporting Victims of Terrorist Attacks

Our Values








Our Visons

Creating a Just Society

Building Integrity and Trust

Fostering Empowerment and Opportunity

Forging Strong collaboration for a Shared Future

Ensuring Accessibility and Inclusion

Cultivating Empathy and Understanding

Providing Relief and Support

Our Objectives

Engage in benevolent activities.

Assist victims of war, terrorism and natural disasters.

Combat poverty.

To raise funds for disadvantaged groups, especially minorities.

Promote peace through dialogue and initiatives.

Advocate for refugees and asylum seekers.

Undertake collaborative projects globally.

Facilitate community development and cultural integration.

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